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Liberty Quartet is proud to present their latest recording, “Encore!” This is a compilation of 14 songs that Liberty has sung with previous group members. Although these songs have been recorded on past projects, Executive Producers Doran Ritchey and Royce Mitchell have created some fresh arrangements with current vocalists. The vocalists performing on this album include Royce Mitchell, founding member and bass; Paul W. Ellis, lead; Will Arasmith, baritone; Peyton Olive, tenor; and Doran Ritchey, piano and baritone.



  1. I Need A Fresh Drink
  2. How Great Thou Art
  3. Amazed at the Change
  4. Love Medley
  5. But For A Cross
  6. Based Upon the Word
  7. One Holy Lamb
  8. There Is A River
  9. Thank You Now
  10. He’s My Lighthouse
  11. Peace Like A River
  12. Cornerstone
  13. The Journey
  14. Up & Away


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